
Common Dental Issues In Children And How To Prevent Them

For children, providing effective and comforting services takes expertise.With reputable facilities and expert paediatric dentists in Ajman, Mother Dental guides you in caring for your kid’s oral health. Maintaining a proper dental care routine and addressing issues early is crucial for preventing dental issues in children.

Here are some common dental issues in children and effective preventive measures.

Cavities ( Tooth Decay)

Caused by bacteria-produced acids in the mouth that erode the enamel, tooth decay is one of the most prevalent dental issues among children. Having a sugar-heavy diet or bruising and flossing without supervision can result in sticky plaque accumulating on the surface of children’s teeth and causing cavities.

Along with encouraging regular brushing and limiting sugary snacks and drinks, regular dental check-ups with paediatric dentists can be done for prevention.

Gum Disease ( Gingivitis)

Poor oral hygiene and plaque buildup can cause red swollen and bleeding gum in kids. Using a soft-frosted toothbrush for regular and proper brushing can restrain it.

Excessive Thumb Sucking

Even though thumb ducking is a natural reflex as well as a self-soothing method in infants, it turning into a habit for years can cause issues. Prolonged thumb sucking can affect the alignment of the jaw and teeth. Instead of applying strict supervision over this habit, adopting positive reinforcements with the guidance of a paediatric dentist will be helpful in such cases.

Dental Emergencies

Children are active and it can result in many scenarios in which a dental accident can occur. From roughhousing with siblings to playing sports, dental accidents are common for kids and they can result in chipped, knocked-out or fractured teeth.

After consulting a paediatric dentist in Ajman, using mouth guards during sports activities can be helpful.

Dental Anxieties and Phobias

Creating a positive and healthy dental experience is crucial as many children experience anxiety about dental visits. Our experienced paediatric dentists at Mother Dental Ajman, make every visit relaxed and fun and ensure a positive approach toward dental care in patients.

Orthodontic Problems

Misalignment in children can be caused by genetics, overbite or underbite, or prolonged pacifier use. Without proper care at the earliest stage, it can lead to difficulties in chewing and speaking.

All the orthodontic problems in your children can be cured at Mother Dental Ajman.

Tooth Sensitivity

Causing discomfort in eating hot, cold or sweet foods, tooth sensitivity in children is the result of enamel erosion, tooth decay or exposed dentin.

Altering your child’s diet to avoid acidic food and drinks, using a soft-bristled toothbrush, etc. are some of the tips to prevent tooth sensitivity.

By encouraging good oral hygiene practices, ensuring a balanced diet, and scheduling regular dental visits, you can help your child maintain a healthy and beautiful smile.

Investing in your child’s dental health is the foundation for a lifetime of good oral hygiene and overall health.

Together, let’s take the necessary steps to protect your child and ensure that smile lasts longer.

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